Welcome to a short tutorial on how to set up and use the JulWallet Ext for you to trade on JulWallet Ext via JulSwap.
Download JulWallet ➡️ App Store IOS | Google
1st) Download the JulWallet Ext via this link on the Google browser.

2nd) Click [Import Wallet] if you have it downloaded on your mobile phone. Otherwise, click [Create Wallet]. For this example, we are going to select create a wallet.

3rd) Backup your secret phrase in a safe place — this only applies if you are setting up a new wallet.

4th) Select the order of the words to ensure you wrote them down correctly.

5th ) Congrats if you are at this screen you have created your wallet!

6th) Now connect the JulWallet extension to JulSwap if it isn’t already connected. Select [Connected sites] then JulSwap.

7th) Select [Next] to connect the JulWallet ext to JulSwap.

8th) Now you are connected via your JulWallet extension and can trade via your JulWallet app on JulSwap. Make sure to back up any funds to ensure the safety of your digital assets.
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